Our journey building our new casaview home

Monday, May 2, 2011

Final tiles

So here are our final choices.

Main floor tile - Chalet Ice, with white kitchen splash back tiles - Classic White(as opposed to vivid white), glass feature tile  - Ice, caesar stone bench top - White Shimmer and cabinet colour - Classic White.

Or should we have three rows? Still undecided.

Master bathroom - white tiles with grey feature tile and dark grey floor tile named Renaissance Argento. We both love this combo. We both liked the striped feature tile the first time we went browsing and fortunatley they still had it as an option. They had other colours too but they have all been discountinued.

Ensuite feature tile TBA

Bedroom carpert Aged Driftwood. You can also see a sample of the paint colour Taubmans White Smoke in the middle and the travertine look tile for our ensuite. I love this floor tile. Hopefully M will too.

Front porch tile - Preda Smokey White with possible feature tile mixed quartz charcoal. Would match the charcoal driveway.

We discussed which is the most important tile to have kitchen feature or porch feature of course we both said the opposite of the other. M = kitchen. N = Porch. I said neither are "important" I won't fight if it comes down to dollars M can have his way. He also got his preference on the kitchen benches. I went off the Ice Snow after seeing it used at McDonald's. I compared Osprey(another McDonald's fav) and White Shimmer and thought what the heck...go the sparkle! M was pleased and so am I now. I need to sit with things sometimes and I have had alot of time to ponder.  

Seems our house is going to be one smokey, icy house. Matches my often contradictory personality. Hot and cold. LOL!

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