Our journey building our new casaview home

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bricks are done

I was bed ridden, well lounge ridden with illness yesterday so I'm not sure when they completed them but the bricks are complete. I took this on the way to work this am.

I think it looks great. The bagging is finished and the ledges are nice. I love the off white mortar. It's so nice. I love the bagging like this. Of course it will be painted but I like the roughness and colour at the moment. I'm thinking we should have chose a light paint colour now. Oh well doesn't matter I'm sure I will love the end result once I see it.

Just a follow up: I did email the SS about the brick colour and he said it's a natural part of clay bricks and impossible to throw out all the bricks with any variation. PGH hand pick their bricks for the sample walls. Makes sense. I noticed this morning though that they had to get more bricks delivered to our site to finish. Interestingly the new bricks are grey coloured over a red base instead of the original grey over a taupe base. That may explain the sudden seeming explosion of tan showing through. Anyway it seems he made sure that they used bricks with as little brown as possible in the front ledges and they look good. The house is very pleasing I must say.

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