Our journey building our new casaview home

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bricks are almost done.

I would say they are done by now. They just had to do the window ledges not sure of their proper name or if they have one, they probably do.

I love how the house is looking so far, it's fantastic and just what I wanted, maybe even better. I can't wait to see the gutters and roof tiles go on.

View from up the street. Nice.
Lovely sunlight on the house. The right neighbour is set back so
we will still get this afternoon light to a degree espcially in the summer.

Windows are unveiled...nice.
 The bricks are nice and light.
You can see where the bricks are drawing moisture
from the slab at the moment so they are darker.
They will dry once the slab cures completly.
 Overall we are very pleased with how it looks thus far and the brick work is good, ironed joins look great. I do have one little gripe. There are a few  brownish bricks in the mix. This is one of the window ledges with lots of brown according to PGH the brick manufactuer these bricks should have been tossed. I have to say I am being a bit picky but this is my home. I can live with these few brown bricks but I would have prefrred they were completly grey. I hope they don't get browner when they clean them.

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