Our journey building our new casaview home

Monday, December 6, 2010

House Number

I was worried that we would get number four. Not that I'm Chinese but still the thought freaked me. Here is what  numerology says about life in a six 6 home. Sounds all good to me.

The 6 is the most loving of all numbers. It is harmonious will all other numbers, and is committed, caring, sympathetic, protective, and nurturing, as well as responsible, self-sacrificing, and undemanding. It is domestic, marriage and family oriented, and community conscious. It is the teacher and the healer.

You'd better have a green thumb as this number demands greenery!  This is the home of the gardener, especially for one who loves to beautify he home and grounds with lots of flowers. Make this a place of beauty and love, for that's the natural vibration of the 6.

When you move into this address unpack everything you own for you're going to be here for a long time  for this is a number of stability. It won't let you go easily either so choose wisely... Artistic and creative people like it here, as well as newly married or moving in together. Any creative talents you possess will come to the surface and demand expression. There will be an upsurge in creative energy and the desire to make money from your new-found abilities or, the opportunity to make money from talents already recognised but undeveloped. Linked to the planet Venus in Astrology with Taurean's and Librans attracted to this number and if you make friends with either sign, your life will improve out of sight! If born in Taurus or Libra this is the place for you - you're home - spiritual, mental and material...

Interestingly, when visitors come to stay they often extend their visit, you've been warned! Keep in mind the old axiom - "guests like fish go off after three days." Remember this saying when inviting family or friends to pay a visit for unless you set the ground rules re: length of stay - they'll never leave... Don't allow your life to become monotonous whilst living here and if you're a lover of children this is the address to have all the neighbourhood kids come to party! Don't fall into the trap of competing with the 'Joneses' be yourselves and entertain the kids with clowns, ventriloquists, scary movies or stories. House or apartment (even lot) number six is all about the theatre and the theatrical profession.

Family pictures from wall to wall. A 6 dwelling is a family "nest". People feel safe and warm and understood in a 6 house and anyone is considered family here. Most likely a beautiful home in decor, the female members of the household will rule the roost and nobody will mind. Pets, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are drawn to this house and delicious smells create happy memories for all. There's an air of sophistication here as well and of following the "status quo". Tradition, ritual, gentlemen and gentlewomen, rescuing, healing and nurturing resonate to 6. Good for nurses, social workers, childcare workers, grandparents, retirees, and close-knit family life.

Good luck colors for this home are: Light Blue, Royal Blue, Lilac and Hyacinth. The kitchen and the family room are the most highly trafficked so make these comfy and inviting. It's best if they're connected. A big backyard for BBQ's is important too!

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